

Special Programme to Commemorate the Human Rights Day - " In search of humanity"

A workshop to commemorate the Human Rights Day was held by the Savisthri Movement on 12.12.2009 commencing at 0930hrs at the Community Educational Centre at Thalahena, Malabe, Sri Lanka with the participation of 70 members from the 06 Districts where Savisthri Movement is implementing its activities and the National Office. This number included 06 members from the Manna District too.

This programme commenced after listening to the song "Tell me why" .

The National Secretary of the Savisthri Movement, Miss Padma Pushpakanthi gave a clarification regarding the objective of the workshop. She stated :-
ü On 10.12.2009 we passed another Human Rights Day.
ü We as member of the Savisthri Movement has passed several such days whilst working for Human Rights.
ü During that period, have we secured even the right to live?
ü What have we done for Human Rights.

So saying she made a request to make this an opportunity to get an awareness regarding this matter.
One Mr. Sunil Ranasinghe explained in detail what humanity is and the humanity we are searching for. The participants had been divided into ten groups and each group had been given a question regarding human rights seeking the views and suggestions of the members. They gave diverse views such as disparity due to ethnicity, race and religion and due to the widened gap between the rich and the poor, lack of freedom of speech regarding the war, peace, elections, high cost of living, unemployment, injustice, prevailing corruption especially amongst the politicians, harassment, pressure exerted on the poor especially the down-trodden women and children, pilfering of the country's resources etc.

Members suggested that they should stand against the injustice meted out, should commence a dialogue regarding the right to speech not allowed, that awareness programmes should be held regarding the rights of the people.

Summing up, Mr. Ranasinghe said whatever we utter, whether the words be harsh or loving, there should be humanness.

Instead of searching for humanity, we go in search of other things like who should be our administrator or else whether what is shown on the TV is correct. He compared the state to a demon and said that this state does not create a man at all. Through meditation and sermons humanity cannot be searched for. We all should get together to search for humanity.

At the conclusion, the participants were entertained to a cultural show consisting of various items displayed by the Savisthri members of the Six Districts.

Savisthri Fair Trade and Exhibition

Savisthri Fair Trade and Exhibition introducing alternate development through the local consumer pattern of consuming food devoid of chemicals and other poisonous stuff was held in the Savisthri National Office on 11.12.2009 from 0900 hrs to 1900 hrs.

The National Secretary of the Savisthri National Movement addressing the gathering gave a clarification regarding the motive of holding this exhibition ie.

ü Development of the Fair Market.
ü Formation of mass confidence in the Fair Market.
ü Commence a dialogue for the Fair Market.
ü Induce the community for alternative production.
Thereafter the traditional oil lamp was lit by the National Secretary and owners of the trade stalls of alternate produce lit their own candles and with a firm determinations and wishes for the success of this venture returned to their stalls to commence their work. The customary beating of a drum (rabana) a large size Tamborine was done by the women well versed in that art. There were altogether 28 trade stalls manned by the producers of alternate products representing Six Districts of Sri Lanka where Savisthri programmes are being implemented, few other Districts, organizations and individual alternate producers. Among the items displayed were, handicrafts turned out of locally grown reed, food items devoid of poisonous stuff, shoes manufactured out of local raw-materials, hand –loom textiles, items like necklaces, pendants, ear-stands turned out of coconut shells, locally produced manure. Invitation Cards and Greeting Cards turned out of re-cycled paper, indigenous medicinal plants etc.

Local food items cooked within the exhibition premises were kept for display and sale. Preparation of oil cakes, various kinds of yams boiled, herbal drinks, rice and curry for breakfast and lunch using local products which were prepared on the spot were sold steaming hot at very reasonable prices which was higly appreciated by all.
Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation and other channels like city F.M. and Wayamba Voice aired a descriptive programme live and the Divaina paper made notes of the events for publication.
Views and suggestions of the alternate producers to continue this programme and make it a success are indicated below :-

ü It is good to get an opportunity for inter-change of goods within the Districts.
ü It would have been good, had this exhibition been held in a place frequented by people.
ü Inadequate publicity.
ü Better if week-ends are utilized to hold such exhibitions.
ü Like to give assistance to broaden this work further.
ü It would be better if this is held at least every three months.
ü Better if it is held for a continuous period.
ü Better to have more consumers.
ü Got a new market.
ü Good activity. Better if more opportunities are provided.
ü Good if there is a plan for continuity.

Views and Suggestions of the Consumers

ü Good to formulate a plan to give more publicity.
ü There is a change as expected by us. That is a good change, a change that induces people to alternatives.
ü Cultivation methods devoid of using chemicals and other poisonous stuff are now being given publicity. Hence it is good to organize such activities.

Results of the Trade Exhibition

ü Receipt of an order to supply a stock of dried fish whole-sale from Matara to Kandy.
ü Receipt of an invitation by the Kegalle group to give an awareness regarding various kinds of yams.
ü Receipt of a Saree order by the Matale group.
ü Private orders for various products like Bees Honey, treacle. flour prepared out of the seeds of an edible tree.

Plans have been made for an initial meeting on 18.12.2009 of the production groups to make this programme a success as an incentive for alternate produce and to get people accustomed to such alternatives.

Seed Bank in the Moneragala District

Depositing Seeds in new containers at an auspicious time on 28.10.2009.

Various kinds of seeds deposited in new containers at an auspicious time on 28.10.2009.

Sale of local seeds at an auspicious time on 28.10.2009.

Removal of hay covering on the land prepared for sowing seeds, at an auspicious time on 28.10.2009.

Commencement of sowing seeds in the eco-home garden at the auspicious time from 5.52 a.m – 6.22 am on 28.10.2009.

Replacement of the hay covering after sowing seeds at the auspicious time on 28.10.2009.

Fair Trade and Exhibition

handloom sarees
clothes and ornaments
indigeneous foods
indigeneous medicines
alternative energy
clay pots
handy crafts

commune exhibition and fair
reasonable price and high quality

2009 December 11 from 9am to 8pm
No: 997/43, Park Lane, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka, T.p. 011-2865084 / 011-3188531

Dear commarades

Savisthri (Women for development alternatives )Movement has organized a fair trade and exhibition to be held on 11th December from 9 am to 8 pm for promoting alternative community creations and productions, We invite other organizations and individuals to collaborate with us in this event, providing free space and equal opportunity for an attractive and high quality productions.

Aims and Goals
· developing fair trade
· buildup confidence on fair trade
· initiate dialogue for fair trade
· encourage the people alternative products
· spreading ideology among the people
If you have any intention of participating in this event, please send us the relevant information to the above address before November 30, 2009.
· handloom sarees
· bedspreads
· handbags
· shoes
· clothes and ornaments
· indigenous foods
· indigenous medicines
· alternative energy(bio-gas)
· clay pots
· handy crafts
· other
With solidarity,

Padma Pushpakanthi
National Coordinator/Secretary,
Savisthri movement

savisthri events 2009

A fraction of the work that is being carried out by the Savisthri Movement

The Savisthri (Women for Development Alternatives) Movement which is a Non – Governmental Organization registered with the Ministry of Social services has been functioning since the year 2002. "Savisthri" carries out programmes in Six Districts of Sri Lanka viz. Galle, Matara, Moneragala, Matale, Anuradhapura and NuwaraEliya covering the poorest of the poor women engaged in farming, fishing and plantation labour sectors with the aim of uplifting them from the abyss they are in and place then on a better footing socially, economically and politically.

Savisthri's work is based on :-

* Intervention in Social Issues Covering domestic violence, violence against women, violation of Human Rights, gender inequality, war related issues, conducting protest campaign etc.

* Alternate Economic Development through women's leadership including Mini Societies, home gardening, SAPCA (Savisthri Producers and Consumers Association) Centres etc.

* Training, Education and Communication - Issue of the Sisara Magazine, monthly issue of the Savisthri News Letter, holding seminars workshop and training courses for the Savisthri staff for the improvement of their skills and guide them on the proper path.

Peace from friendship journey of the Savisthri members on
way to Batticaloa.

Making future using natural agro-culture

Healthy foods from home garden through organic manure.

A papaya tree laden with fruits of nutritious value.

Change the life on self produce at community fair.

Green means global nutritious and strength

Women network members in campaign against food hiking.
Collectivity shape their life from farm to market.

Fruitful harvest daylight the life.

A two day training for the staff of the Savisthri Movement

A two day (14.10.2009 – 15.10.2009) training for the staff of the Savisthri Movement was held at the Savisthri National Office with the participation of the Savisthri National Office Staff and the District Co-ordinators of the Six Districts. The objective was the achievement of the "Savisthri" targets within the Six months period 01.10.2009 – 31.03.2010. Mr. Lalith Abeysinghe, Development consultant and a highly experienced Trainer in the field of Community Development, functioned as the Resource Person.

At the outset the National Co-ordinator Miss. Padma Pushpakanthi of the Savisthri Movement addressed the participants and explained the objective of holding the staff training and the expected results.
The Resource Person Mr. Lalith Abesinghe gave a clarification regarding the work to be performed and his discussion was based on the undermentioned matters :-
i. The scheduled work for the period 01.10.2009 – 31.03.2010.
ii. Identification of the present position of the programme.
iii. Formation of a monitoring methodology for the programme.

Subsequently he gave a clarification regarding the undermentioned targets to be achieved within the three year project period :-

Formation of a strong women's force with a women's perspective to minimize the social inequality and secure necessary resources for the wellbeing of the community through intervention in social, economic and political issues in a fruitful and efficient manner.

The Resource Person went further and clarified that the reports of the activities carried out should be written District or National Level based on these targets only. If not he said that it was better not to write such reports.

This training was held by dividing the participants into three groups and getting their views separately.

Next he introduced the outcome of our hard work which he categorized into two:-

i. Outcome No.01 - Improvement of the family income and social betterment of the targetted community should be effected through eco – friendly and collective activities.

ii. Outcome No. 02 - A women's group consisting of various ethnicities, religions and castes interfering in social issues in a fruitful, co-existing and peaceful manner with a women's perspective.

After clarifying the outcomes, the Resource Person indicated the three year targets introduced earlier at a previous staff training and introduced them with a change for the six month period (01.10.2009 – 31.03.2010). All these targeted activities which are mentioned below should be completed by 31.03.2010 :-

ü. 35 strong women leaders in the Six Districts.
ü. Formation of new small groups 100 in number.
ü. New 20 Mini Societies.
ü. An increase of 25% membership and capital.
ü. New Home Gardens 220.
ü. Common income generating projects 03.
ü. Model Private income generating projects 03.
ü. Youth and childrens groups (District wise) 04.
ü. Strong Human Rights District Committees 02.
ü. Members of the staff to emerge as resource persons and trainers 02.
ü. Creation of a Strong Network of Organizations - completion of 1/3 of the work
(District and National Level).

On the second day a plan was drawn with the participation of all those present for the achievement of the targets. Finally it was agreed to submit a report to the funding organizations showing the progress made during the period 01.10.2009 – 31.12.2009, in January 2010.

Finally, the proceedings ended at 1400 hrs. on 15.10.2009.

Exchange of experiences pertaining to the practical Alternative Programme.

The above meeting was held on 16.06.2009 at the Savisthri National Office with the participation of approximately 75 individuals representing 10 organizations.

The proceedings commenced by listening to the song "Crown belongs to the king and the country belongs to the people" and 01 minute's silence was observed in memory of the dead and the displaced as a consequence of the war.

* A Clarification of the objective was made by Miss. Padma Pushpakanthi, National Secretary, Savisthri , Convenor of the Womens Action for Social Justice and the Mothers' Movement for Combating Malnutrition. She gave a vivid account of the :-

- Inauguration of the Womens Action for Social Justice.
- It's process.
- Problems arisen in the country as at now.
- The way of interfering in such matters.

* As has hitherto been done a glass of Cunjee made out of green leaves of nutritious value was given to the participants for breakfast.
A few lectures were delivered on the following important topics :-

- Our hereditary indigenous medicinal treatment.
- Aurvedic medicines and their favourable effects enjoyed by our ancestors.
- Tea cultivation free from poisonous stuff.
- The benefits that accrue to the environment and the economy as a consequence of tea cultivation devoid of poisonous stuff.
- The method of preparing liquid fertilizer.
- Method of preparing organic fertilizer.
- Importance of using organic fertilizer.
- How our home garden should be prepared.

- Economic benefits accruing thereof and health benefits.
- Sale of plots of land and the coconut cultivation threatened by natural disasters.

* Special mention was made of Varieties of locally grown yams.

- How they had been used as a staple food from time immemorial.
- Varieties of yams that are being used today.
- Medicinal and nutritional value of yams.
- How certain varieties of yams have become extinct.
- Should protect locally grown yams.

* Two Savisthri representatives gave an explanation regarding the Alternate Economic Programme and touched on the undermentioned factors :-

- Savings System maintained by the Savisthri Small Groups.
- Security of such savings.
- Mode of utilizing such savings for the benefit of the members without going into finance companies.

Another lecture was delivered on :-

- How the freedom of speech has been lost.
- Right to live, which is a fundamental right of all beings.
- Problems faced by individuals in their day to day life and regulations and laws enacted regarding such problems.
- Injustices in the society.
- Fear and inability to go against such injustices.
- Organization against lost rights.

* For lunch, local food items cooked and wrapped in plantain leaves were given in the customary Sri Lankan way.
* After lunch a fair was held in the premises of the Savisthri Movement by the representatives of the Six Districts where various items like Cereals, Kurakkan powdered and Packeted, cow pea, rice flour, sweet meats turned out of rice flour, various bites were displayed and sold.
* At the end of the programme the undermentioned agreements had been reached :-

- Extension of this programme within the existing social, economic and political arena.
- Constant exchange of practical experiences.

This programme which commenced at 1000 hrs. continued till 1500 hrs.

Let us weave clothes of unity.

"Savisthri" women went on a good-will mission to Baticaloa in the Eastern Province with the intention of forming a relationship with their counterparts in Baticaloa, in April 2009.

- Specialty - Being women widowed by the Cruel War "Life is not worth living. But life goes on" Those were the words uttered by these women.
- We women in the south have the responsibility of allowing those women to lead their lives. That is the feeling of our group.
- We are quite aware that we cannot solve all the problems of these Tamil Women who are alone and isolated.
- Those who govern should give a political settlement to their problem (ethnic). As ordinary citizens, in order to avoid another such group getting isolated in life, we should form a cordial relationship amongst us, understand each others feelings and must respect each and every individual.

Hence, after this goodwill mission in April 2009 let us form a very strong relationship

– Let us weave clothes of unity.
An attempt was made to find a market place for hand loom textiles woven by these 26 lone women widowed by the cruel war. By now this action of ours is being supported by many in southern Sri Lanka.

Visit to the East of Sri Lanka on a good – will mission.

23 individuals including the National Office Staff, members in the Districts of Galle, Matara, Anuradhapura, Matale and Badulla and representatives of the Womens Action for Social Justice (WASJ) participated in this journey to the East.

The objective of this visit was for the members of the Savisthri Movement in the South to form a close relationship with the women pressurized by the war situation in the North and through that to implement with them a long term alternate economic, consumer and ecological home gardening programme.

We commenced our journey on the 22nd Aprial 2009 at 1945 hrs. and spent a very difficult time without any sleep in a 3rd class compartment of the train proceeding to Batticaloa. That is a normal experience of the night passengers of the train.

The co-ordination of the PAPD institute was of immense help to us. We were able to get residential facilities at the Sarvodaya Centre.

Groups we met :-

Approximately 60 of 82 widows in 05 villages widowed by the war, the trustee of the "Jeevan Jothi" Childrens' home where the inmates were children orphaned by the cruel war and 82 such children.

The chief incumbent of the Mangalarama Buddhist temple who was leading a very religious life and living with the Tamil Community.

Widowed women, an individual who got involved in the handloom industry and who lost the market due to the war and who was enthusiastic about the reasonable trade.

A document giving an analysis of it's social, economic and political background is being formulated.

Long term practical programme

The "Savisthri" members in the South who participated in this programme had taken along with them various kinds of seeds (Sorghum, Cow – Pea, Vegetables) collected from their own home gardens and planted in the home – gardens of their relatives in Batticaloa.
o On our visit we accompanied a resource person with practical and theoretical experiences in home gardening who had the ability of explaining in the Tamil language about the timely requirements and the importance of ecological home gardening.

We had the ability of preparing 05 home gardens in the premises of the members of the groups whom we met, with the assistance and participation of all.

Suggestions put forward to bridge the gap between those in the South and the East:-

Women in the South should organize such a meeting in the future and to preserve a portion of the monies expended for Mini Society Congresses to meet the expenditure of such a meeting.

To continue the relationship through correspondence.

To organize a meeting between the widows in Batticaloa widowed by the cruel war with their counterparts in the south.

Agreement reached to prepare their own houses for food and lodging in the event of such an encounter in the future.

For the women in the South to interfere and provide a market for their counterparts in Batticaloa to sell their textiles as a measure of giving a helping hand to them.

Training workshop on Digital Photography

The above training course was held on 01.05.2009 by the Savisthri Movement with the sole aim of giving an awareness regarding the submission of a report in a correct manner, at the C.R.C. Institute, Thalahena, Malabe with the participation of 10 Savisthri activists.
Two individuals viz Prasanna Rathnayake and Chamara Balasooriya acted as Resource Persons. At this workshop a theoretical and a practical knowledge was imparted as to how a photograph should be taken that could be read accurately and correctly.

At the outset Mr. Prasanna Rathnayake and explained the importance of photography for an institute like the Savisthri National Movement. He pointed out that in certain instances where futile attempts are made to explain certain things using a barrage of words, a vivid explanation could be given by a single photo. With the assistance of Mr. Chamara Balasooriya, Mr. Prasanna Rathnayake identified the several parts of a camera and the functions of each such part and how they are used in photography.

Subsequently he explained the various ways of taking individual photographs / group photographs and sceneries and provided an opportunity for the participants to take such photographs and explained the short-comings in the photographs taken.

Mr. Prasanna Rathnayake gave an awareness regarding photographs taken using a Vedeo camera and a Digital camera. He gave a vivid explanation how such photographs should be computerized and conserved and how reports are submitted utilizing such conserved photographs.

Finally a report was prepared utilizing the photographs taken at this programme.

The knowledge thus gained could be utilized when submitting reports pertaining to programmes at District Level as well as National Level.