

Cookery Demonstration held using available food items in the preparation of delicious sweet meats and cordials.

A cockery demonstration organized by the Public Health Movement (PHM) was held at the Savisthri National Office Rajagiriya on 07.02.2012 commencing 0930 hrs. attended by the Savisthri staff the members of the PHM and the neighbours. The demonstrator made several delicious sweet meats out of flour prepared from Jak seeds which is available in abundance in most parts of Sri Lanka. Jak is a nutritious food which the Sri Lankans eat as a substitute for rice the staple food of our country.
 With the Jak seed flour using suger syrup and scraped coconut the demonstrator prepared a nice palatable sweet meat in the quickest possible time. Apart from this several other sweet-meats too were prepared using the Jak seed flour and Jak bulbs.

The cordial she made out of olives was very tasty and nourishing. The demonstration was well attended and ended up 1730 hrs.
 Another such cookery demonstration would be held at the Savisthri National Office on 13.03.2012.

National collective for the establishment of man - elephant co- existence

Protest Rally conducted by the National collective for the establishment of man-elephant co-existence.
Those affected in 15 Districts of Sri Lanka as a consequence of loss of life and property and destruction of crops due to the deterioration of man-elephant co-existence met the Hon. Minister of Environment and Wild Life S.A. Chandrasena and his Ministry Officials recently at his Ministry seeking solutions for the settlement of these grave issues.

The Hon. Minister who listened attentively to instances of havoc caused by the elephants gave a clarification regarding the decisions reached to be implemented in the year 2012 regarding this matter like the conservation of elephants who pose a severe threat to the villagers, erection of electric fences in areas where such fences are not available, regularization of the payment of compensation to the kith and kin of the victims etc. and that a sum of Rs. 10 billion has already been allocated by the 2012 budget for this purpose.

He further stressed that he would visit all the other affected Districts and have discussions with the villagers and the relevant officers to effect co-existence between man and elephant.
He gave an assurance that he would take measures to ensure that no land named as “Wild Life” is given to any individual or company.