

Workshop on Drama

The Savisthri National Youth Campaign is being re-vitalized by the Education and Communication Unit of the Savisthri Organization. To make this a reality a two day workshop on "Drama" was held on 2007.09.29,30 at the Thalahena Community Educational Centre at Malabe in the District of Colombo. The main objective of this workshop was the formation of a National Street Drama Troupe and a Cultural Group. The idea behind this is to form a fresh youth group well versed in creative activities to contribute towards the country's National Development. The theme of the Savisthri youth campaign is "A complete man, a fulfilled Society."

Anniversary celebrations of the Mini Bank Society at Pattihena in the Matara District

The above Mini Bank Society held it's anniversary celebrations on 20.09.2007 and as was done earlier appointed new office bearers for a period of one year.

This Mini Bank Society dissolved its "Active Loan Committee" on the same day and appointed a fresh committee to perform the relevant activities.

It has 05 small groups and these groups hold their meeting regularly without any interruption. The savings of the five groups are given below:-

Samagi - 27,015.00 Samudaya - 21,150.00
Nishara - 21,594.00 Pubudu - 20,550.00
Prarthana - 19,640.00

As at 20.09.2007, the total earnings of the Pattihena Mini Bank Society stood at 109,946.00. With the loan interest of Rs. 38,670.00 and instant loans of Rs. 11,860 the total assets stood at Rs.160,476.00.